lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

swim styles and stuff related

There are four types of style in swimming those are:

Freestyle: commonly use in long distance competitions it is also the fastest one, the technique consists on circle arms forward, alternating arms, and kick their feet up and down about a foot apart .Although competitors can do whatever they please during the freestyle stroke, it is not common to see someone doing dog paddle, or sidestroke during a race or competition. 

In the first four Olympics, competitions were not held in pools, but, rather, in open water . The 
1904 Olympics freestyle race was the only one ever measured at 100 yards, instead of the usual 100 metres. A 100 metre pool was built for the 1908 Olympics and sat in the center of the main stadium's track and field oval.The 1924 Olympics were the first to use the standard 50 meter pool with marked lanes. In the freestyle, swimmers originally dove from the pool walls, but diving blocks were eventually incorporated at the 1936 Olympics.

Breastroke:The style in which the swimmer is on his or her chest and the torso does not rotate. It is the most popular recreational style due to its stability and the ability to keep the head out of the water a large portion of the time. In most swimming classes, beginners learn either the breaststroke or the front crawl first
Breaststroke is the slowest of the four official styles in competitive swimming. The fastest breaststrokers can swim about 1.57 metres per second. Although it is the slowest of the four competitive strokes, it is commonly agreed that it is by far the most difficult.

Backstroke: also sometimes called the back crawl or the upside-down freestyle, This has the advantage of easy breathing, but the disadvantage of swimmers not being able to see where they are going. The maximum swimming speed for backstroke is around 1.89 meter per second. Due to its position on the back, backstroke uses some different muscles in the upper body than other styles.

Butterfly: is a swimming stroke swum on the breast, with both arms moving simultaneously, accompanied by the butterfly kick (also known as the "dolphin kick"). While other styles like the breaststroke, freestyle, or backstroke can be swum adequately by beginners, the butterfly is a more difficult stroke that requires good technique as well as strong muscles, The peak speed of the butterfly is faster than that of the freestyle, due to the synchronous pull/push with both arms. Yet since speed drops significantly during the recovery phase, it is overall slightly slower than freestyle.


Olympic swimming
This history of this sport starts since prehistoric times, the latest recording was in the stone age(paintings), it emerged as an competitive sport in 1830 in England, by 1837 it started to be competitions around said country , this sport became popular 1880 when national competitions started to be held in different parts of the country, until it became popular between the world’s most powerful countries at that time.
Swimming became part of the Olympic sport in 1896 in Athens, the goal of this sport is to beat then opponent in a certain event, the point of these sport is the create the least resistance to water in order for them to go faster.
Swimming is held during the summer Olympics organized in 16 events both for me and women, these event are held in 50x25 meter pool divided in 8 lanes (official Olympic size) ,the international governing body is known as FINA (international swimming federation).
There’s also another type of Olympic swimming called Open water that consists on swimming several types of event on a lake, sea or river. Normally these kinds of competition are distance events (5k, 10k and 25k) but only the 10k is considered an Olympic event it is also for men and woman.
Normally swimming has 2 seasons the short-course (25m or yards) and long-course (50m) but as seen on the Olympic the 50 m is the official one.
Some of the most successful swimmers in history are Mark spits, Matt Biondi, Johnny Weissmuller, Michael Phelps, Ian Thorpe, Jennifer Thompson, Lorraine Fraser among others.

It is a complicated sport due to the amount of time that you dedicate to it for example Olympians train in the pool 12 times a week during periods of 2-3hours a day beside they have to do dry land training and gym.

In the following post i will develope some topics related to this sport  

martes, 4 de febrero de 2014

assigment #3

instructions : Profile a self-made millionaire or billionaire. Try to be original and do someone other than Carlos Slim, Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. Tell me How they made their fortune? What qualities and skills helped them achieve? What advice or wisdom do they offer from their experienece? How do they spend their money? What was their childhood like? This assignment should be at least 400 words.

The millionaire that i picked is Coco Chanel was a french women that is one of the most important icons of the fashion world creating a fashion line that proved simplicity and comfort along her designes, she had a really tough life, she live in an ophanage there she learned to saw and use fabrics, the nuns got her a job as a dressmaker she worked at a cabaret as a singer, and had a lot of love affairs with rich man,with the money of this men they helped her established her firts shop in Paris, years later she installed herself in other pladces where she knew rich people would go shopping.
She lied about her origins because she was to ashamed of them, she reinvented fashion by making the first pants for woman,because at that time such thing didnt existed ,it was very controversial because at that time maleness was very strong at the woman didn’t have a place in society so she changed that. She was linked to very great man of the royalty she took advantage of that and she put a bigger store in a very popular street of Paris that’ still stands today
She was considered a symbol of feminism along woth other designers,she quickly gain fame fortune and power.This enterprise is considred as ones of the richest fashion houses and the one of the most porwerful because of the years that preceed it and the inoation on their articles ,it is currently run by Karl Lagerfeld another genius of fashion a “visionare” many people would call him 

assigment #1

Instructions: post a piece of advice about success and/o fortune and to state why you think it is good advice

never let sucess get up to youe head because money and fortune isnt everything not ewveryone likes a person whos is always showing off so be humble and always try to help others beacuse you always have to give something back to people less fortunate ,son you can realize what have you achieved and apreciate it