martes, 4 de febrero de 2014

assigment #3

instructions : Profile a self-made millionaire or billionaire. Try to be original and do someone other than Carlos Slim, Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. Tell me How they made their fortune? What qualities and skills helped them achieve? What advice or wisdom do they offer from their experienece? How do they spend their money? What was their childhood like? This assignment should be at least 400 words.

The millionaire that i picked is Coco Chanel was a french women that is one of the most important icons of the fashion world creating a fashion line that proved simplicity and comfort along her designes, she had a really tough life, she live in an ophanage there she learned to saw and use fabrics, the nuns got her a job as a dressmaker she worked at a cabaret as a singer, and had a lot of love affairs with rich man,with the money of this men they helped her established her firts shop in Paris, years later she installed herself in other pladces where she knew rich people would go shopping.
She lied about her origins because she was to ashamed of them, she reinvented fashion by making the first pants for woman,because at that time such thing didnt existed ,it was very controversial because at that time maleness was very strong at the woman didn’t have a place in society so she changed that. She was linked to very great man of the royalty she took advantage of that and she put a bigger store in a very popular street of Paris that’ still stands today
She was considered a symbol of feminism along woth other designers,she quickly gain fame fortune and power.This enterprise is considred as ones of the richest fashion houses and the one of the most porwerful because of the years that preceed it and the inoation on their articles ,it is currently run by Karl Lagerfeld another genius of fashion a “visionare” many people would call him 

assigment #1

Instructions: post a piece of advice about success and/o fortune and to state why you think it is good advice

never let sucess get up to youe head because money and fortune isnt everything not ewveryone likes a person whos is always showing off so be humble and always try to help others beacuse you always have to give something back to people less fortunate ,son you can realize what have you achieved and apreciate it