jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013


1. Abhor=hate.

2. Bigot=narrow-minded, prejudiced person.

3. Counterfeit=fake; false.

4. Enfranchise=give voting rights.

5. Hamper=hinder; obstruct.

6. Kindle= to start a fire.

7. Noxious=harmful; poisonous; lethal.

8. Placid=calm; peaceful.

9. Remuneration=payment for work done.

10. Talisman=lucky charm.

11. Alacrity=eagerness; enthusiasm; quickness.

12. Burgeon=grow; flourish; put forth new shoots.

13. Deleterious=harmful

14. Euphemism=a polite phrase to cover something unpleasant.

15. Hypocritical=insincere

16.Lethargic=tired; without energy

17.Ogle=stare at; observe in an obvious manner.

18. Postulate= hypothesize; propose.

19. Robust =strong; healthy; tough.

20. Tractable=obedient; dutiful; polite.

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