domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013

Superhero questions November 13

What can we learn from comic books and superheroes? 

that you always have to look for justice and peace to be protected from other people  so they can hurt  you and  your loved ones ,a thing you can also learn is that theres always a bad guy 

if you could choose any superpower which would it be and why?
i think i will choose invisibility beacuse you can do a lot of stuf without being seen which is awesome for example getin into place for free or witness conversations you shouldnt 

homework science fictionmovie

what is the best science fiction movie and why? 
i think it must be star wars ,because that series of movies, there was nothing simliar to that genreat that time  that could represent it correctly ,this movies have everything creativity,story and characters 

 if you could see the future without being able to change it, would you?
yes ,because i would like to be prepared for whats coming ahead  and know what would be differetn that you hadn seen maybe in the future you see yourself practicing another professsion from the one you taught ,
also you can see what other tecnological advances had been made or improven ,you would see the status of the cities which ones are still progessing and which one are still the same .also it would be cool to look how your family looks like for example how old they´ve gotten .

martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

Write about you future

Well in the future i will be finishing my carrer at Merida i probaly will be looking for a job if i still dont have one, i am going to have a car of my own, and also and apartment, i hope to be succesful in wathever it is that i am doing , i hope to come back to playa or move out to another city. i am going to have my Great Dane that is the dog that i´ve always wanted and finally to be happy 

Assignment for Monday November 25

Assignment for Monday November 25

I choose this "concerns" because i think they´re the  most relevant nowadays 

  • Genuine apocalyptic events
  • Men.
  • That we will spend too much time on social media

   Genuine apocalyptic events 
I think this concerns people beacuse a  lot of this events are happening very often and make us think the end is near for example i think it was a year and a half ago there were two strong earthquakes the same year, one in haiti and another one in chile. this kind of events made people think that they will ocurr ,but we can delate de process if we start to take care of our planet and start helpoing little by little.

Well this one is very concerning and i think is the most important of all, because men are very dangerous for everything they invent or do man has the power to move people, to make war, invents ,technology,weapons, peace so evrything we do is our hands and we have the pwer to everything we propose to.

That we will spend too much time on social media

this event is currently happening and is separating family when they were supposed to have "quality time" together for example 10 years ago you would go to a restaurant and see people talking and having a nice in the time they were waiting fot their food ,now you see people, families and groups of friends just staring at the phone without saying a single word 

einstein said " I Fear the Day That Technology Will Surpass Our Human Interaction"

miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

Main character description

Robert is a 17 year old kid with a lot of ambitions and goals he is frudtates because he know when he turns 18 he would start working so he wanted adventures,he is stubborn and desobiedient but after all he is a kid who has noble feelings and just had a teenager moment at the end he realizes his mistakes and feels guilty of nver has listen to his parents  


There was once a little boy named robert,robert he has a naughty 17 year old who never listen to his parents because his parents were farmerrs and he knew when he grew up he would become on to take care of the family business, he wanted to see the world so he ran away from hin home and went away,without telling anyone or so. The first stop he made was to s store  where he realized he didnt brought any money for his "adventure trip" so he had to get a job,the manager of that store put him in the most boring job ever he had to count the number of person that would enter to his store but fortunately time passed(2 months) so he gathered enough money to continue his trip so robert had a besutiful 3 months until he saw a wanted sign it was his face, his parents were looking despererately so he decide to come back but there was a problem he has on the other side of the world with again no money and he working as slave so he had no chance of not coming back he died working as slave and thats what happens when you dont listen to your  parents at the begfing was great but he endes in trouble and could never came back 

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

Favorite Fictional character

My favorite fictional character is Darth Vader from the star wars because i think is pretty cool and amazing , he is a really complex character he became bad because he wanted to save the love of his life ,and in the end he "killed" her ,he was said to be the one that will restore balance to the force in the end he did because he killed the emperor to save his son ,after all he still had a little good in him .
He is the father of luke skywalker and princess leiah he didnt know of thier existance until they were grown ups

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

Tecnological advance

I choose cellphones 
Are we better off without them? 
I dont think so because they help in a lot of ways and nowadays it is very difficult to stay uncomunnicated.
For example lets say someone of you family had a carcrash and they need help , how are you supposed to know they had an accident and if they are ok or thy need help thats one main reason cellphones are one of technology more important dicoveries or invetions 

Besides nowadays with the internet and all the social networks you get informed about everything either evente happening about the world , stuff related to work and you dont have time to send and email for example you send it from our phone and problem solved 

Do you think technological advance in general has positive or negative effects? 

I think it can go eitherways depends on the use you are giving it; but for sure it has a more positive effect than a negative 

Well if in some countries tecnology is necessary fot completing high school  i agree because theres a reason behind it maybe that reason is that the country all of the job or most of them need people with technology knowledges and is mandatory you acquired those on high school 

I think the service that would benefit the most my community would be free internet every local or restaurant you go though some restaurants here at playa del carme have that service most of them dont and in some country it is mandatory to have that service 

domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013

Photos that reflect my community

I picked this photos
Because our community and economy its based on pure tourism and thes pictures reflect it  they are a hotel( westin cancun) obviously the beach and xcaret 

Where in the world would you live if you could chopse

I think i would want to live in Brazil, because it is a growing economy and has   Culture diversity besides it is a beautiul country were you can learn another language besides if your native language is spanish it will be easier for you to learn portuguese.

Brazil has a lot of activities to do and since its a growing economy you could be able to get really good job offers and a nice place to meet people it is said that brazilian people are very cheerful and full of joy so you will never get feeling of being sad or the vibe of being a negative enviroment.

So yes i would choose this country to live . 

jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013

Recommendation in your community

I've been living in Playa de Carmen for 12    Years now so i have a few places i can reccomend .
First place i would recommend its a family reataurant called"La famiglia" located on fifth avenue between 10 and 8 its a place where they serve italian food;besides its cheap and has a variety of dishes its a must for every turist viaiting playa del carmen.

I would also recommend coba its a few miles ahead of Tulum and has a variety of activities you can do like biking,hiking,and cenotes this is an arqueological place with mayans pyramids with a lot of height (you can climb these pyramids) and after a very hot day you can jump into the cenote so you can refresh.

This two places i recommend of the many ones are in playa del carmen i hope this will help you on your future visits 


"A fish out of the water" 
This saying refers to people who feel sort of outsiders or unconfortable like they are not in the right "habitat" 

Backround story
Naturally, Fish Out Of Water have a danger of becoming awkward the longer a show runs. So this refers to people in some scenarios 

Like  for example when a athlete is obligated  to "dance" they feel awkward because they dont feel confortable they mostly feel sort of socially awkward 

jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013


A situation that posed a challenge for me was when i has to swim 5k at bacalar with only a month and a half of training.

It was a hard race but i made it and got to do my best time, it was a challenge because the weather was very windy and made the waves very strong .
That was my challenge

lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2013

20 sentences

1. I abhor math class.
2. She is a really bighot  person. 
3.  That purse is a complete counterfeit of the original.
4. You can enfranchise when you turn 18.

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013


1. Abhor=hate.

2. Bigot=narrow-minded, prejudiced person.

3. Counterfeit=fake; false.

4. Enfranchise=give voting rights.

5. Hamper=hinder; obstruct.

6. Kindle= to start a fire.

7. Noxious=harmful; poisonous; lethal.

8. Placid=calm; peaceful.

9. Remuneration=payment for work done.

10. Talisman=lucky charm.

11. Alacrity=eagerness; enthusiasm; quickness.

12. Burgeon=grow; flourish; put forth new shoots.

13. Deleterious=harmful

14. Euphemism=a polite phrase to cover something unpleasant.

15. Hypocritical=insincere

16.Lethargic=tired; without energy

17.Ogle=stare at; observe in an obvious manner.

18. Postulate= hypothesize; propose.

19. Robust =strong; healthy; tough.

20. Tractable=obedient; dutiful; polite.


Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor." SUCESS
― Truman Capote  

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." FAILURE
― Thomas A. Edison